Gone are the days of pen-and-paper logs and racking your brain over workout plans.
My AI Fitness Coach !

Technological advancements have made their way into the fitness world🏋️‍♀️, and it’s fantastic news, especially for beginners intimidated by the start of their fitness journey.

Now, you can transform your physique and improve your health by simply following expert guidance from an AI-powered coach. Let's explore the wonders of AI fitness coaches and workout planner apps that can lead you to a better you, starting right now.

" Have Gym-timidation? "
The best substitute for a personal trainer for beginners.

Are you a newbie to the fitness scene, feeling lost in the maze of gym equipment, unsure what exercises to tackle? Even if you turn to YouTube or Google, the avalanche of information seems overwhelming, leaving you puzzled about where to begin.

"And let's be honest,
who has the time to study all that? "

You know you should be exercising, but eventually, you're stuck at a crossroads: shelling out cash for another fitness program or spending countless hours researching and planning on your own.

What if there was an app that resolved both issues?
Enter Planfit—a one-stop solution that simplifies your fitness journey. Read on and by the end of this article, you'll be more than ready to hit 'download' and stride confidently towards your workout goals.

1. Free & Unlimited Personalized Workout Plans by AI

► Stop worrying about workout routines

Deciding to start working out is step one; the immediate follow-up question is,

"What exercises should I do?"

This is the first major hurdle for gym newbie, but don't stress. From the moment you commit to exercising, Planfit is here to navigate you through all the hurdles.

Planfit doesn't just throw random workouts at you. It analyzes over 70 million data points to tailor a plan that's right for you. It considers your fitness level, body metrics, and what you want to achieve from your workouts. Whether you're looking to exercise at home or hit the gym, whether you want to train once a week or every day, Planfit crafts the perfect routine to fit into your schedule and meet your goals.


Planfit Onboarding 🏋️‍♀️

► With proper sets, reps, and weights

Once you've got your exercises lined up, the next question might be,

"How much weight should I lift,
and for how many reps?"
Just follow "Planfit"

If that's got you puzzled—don't worry. Planfit comes to the rescue with its smart onboarding process that uses the information you provide to determine the appropriate weight and number of repetitions for each exercise.

Can you click a button? If the answer is yes, then your work here is done. Planfit takes care of the rest, guiding you through each workout with precision, so you can focus on what matters most—getting stronger, fitter, and health

► Equipment occupied? difficult to exercise? See alternatives!

"What if someone is using the equipment recommended for my workout?"
"What if the gym doesn’t have that particular machine?"
I'm a total beginner and only know the exercises suggested to me... 😟
We have almost all of data for your workout.

You might wonder if you're expected to wait around or, dare we say, compete for a spot (which might be a strategy, but not the most courteous one, right?)
But no, Planfit wouldn't leave you hanging or hustling for equipment.

Planfit boasts a nifty feature that provides alternative exercises targeting the same muscle group. This functionality isn't just for when your preferred equipment is taken; it's also great for when you want to spice up your routine with different movements for the same muscle group.

Moreover, by setting up your gym profile in Planfit, it fetches data about the available equipment and tailors your routine accordingly, preventing any workout hiccups before they happen.


How to Replace Exercise !

Planfit is committed to offering "Genuinely Doable" exercises, ensuring that your fitness journey is efficient, effective, and, most importantly, uninterrupted.

2. AI Coaching : powered by ChatGPT

"Why does Planfit incorporate AI?"

► Real-time Coaching that Fits You

It's like having a personal trainer in your pocket! 🤖 X 🏋️‍♀️

Meet Max, Planfit's AI coach—and you're ready to start. Planfit's AI, based on advanced technologies like ChatGPT, offers real-time coaching. Max oversees all the functions we've talked about—altering workouts on the fly, adjusting weights to the right amount, and analyzing your workout tempo to provide feedback.
With Max, you get all the perks of a personal coach—motivation, guidance, and personalization—without stepping into a gym.

Yes, you could say it's pretty like working with a real-life trainer!

►Generative AI Tailored for Fitness with ChatGPT and 80M+of Data

Our trainers don't just guide workouts; they're also here to answer any questions you might have!

Well, if it’s about workout related questions, we bet AI Coach Max can give you more accurate and helpful responses (and who knows, maybe it can handle some personal advice too, haha). WHY?


AI Coach Max can answer anything✅

Because Planfit leverages Generative AI tailored for fitness with ChatGPT technology, providing real-time answers to your exercise-related queries. To supplement this, Planfit has accumulated over 80 million data points to draw from, ensuring the advice you get is top-notch. Through this, you receive personalized Q&A sessions and experience coaching conversations that feel as real as talking to a live personal trainer.

So, it makes you wonder, do you even need a real-life PT anymore?

With PlanFit, you have a holistic virtual coach ready to assist you anytime, anywhere!

3. Workout Planner : Easily log workouts and visualize results

"Wait a sec, how many sets did I just do? What rep am I on?
I can't remember 😖..."

We've all been there. You're halfway through a workout, and your focus is entirely on lifting that weight—it's all too easy to lose track of your sets and reps. And who can blame you? Remembering every detail of your workout is not what you're there for. So, Planfit has got your back!

► Easy and Intuitive to Use

Follow the plan, hit 'Log Set' after each execution, rest as instructed. imagine your entire workout map in less than 10 seconds. Like this!


Your entire workout map 🧭

With Planfit, a single tap logs each set and rep, freeing you from the numbers game and letting focus on your workout. Its intuitive interface banishes the need for mental gymnastics—no more struggling to recall which set you're on. Say goodbye to workout amnesia and hello to a seamless exercise experience.

►See visualized results

  • See where you stand. See your muscle usage, exercise achievements and workout sessions to track your fitness progress.

There's hardly a better motivator than seeing the fruits of your labor—how much you've grown from your dedication to fitness. Many of us are fueled by the tangible changes and the sense of accomplishment that numbers provide.

Everything You Wanted to Know 📊📈

Planfit amplifies this feeling of achievement and motivation to the maximum, presenting it in a way that's both intuitive and engaging. Witnessing your progress through visualized data not only pushes you to keep going but also celebrates every milestone along your fitness journey. With Planfit, your hard-earned results are not just figures in an app—they're badges of honor, graphically illustrated to showcase your evolving strength and endurance.

Badges of honor 🎖️ Change the color of the badge !

► All-in-One : Log All Your exercises at Once with Planfit

Do you get tired of writing down and keeping track of each sports on its own, hoping for a simpler way to put it all together?

⚽️🏀 Add your other workouts 🏃‍♀️⛳️

Look no further, because Planfit has you covered.
Sure, some may focus solely on weight training, but many lead a healthy lifestyle by engaging in various sports. For those who diversify their wellbeing life, Planfit allows the convenience of logging and managing all workout data in one place. Manually enter your activities, and Planfit will organize the calories burned and workout duration for each date on your calendar. We're here to make your fitness journey as effortless and user-friendly as possible.

So, you can focus on what really matters
– the workout itself.